With the creative arts, there is not one single way to find yourself work. Some people prefer the traditional educational route, others dip their toe in with attachments and traineeships, some practice their skills with friends, others attend short courses and workshops, for those with connections in the sector they wish to enter, they may find themselves offered an assistant position and work their way up the ranks. All of these are valid and all of these are possible. And we are here to help you with whichever path you would like to pursue.

Below you will find some suggestions, most of whom we have had conversations with around ways in which we can collaborate, and all of which we can highly recommend. There are many others that are not on these lists yet, but we will update this page continually, so make sure to check back regularly.

If you work at an organisation in Tasmania that you think should be listed below, please get in touch and have a chat with us, as we would love to add you to this page.

Photo Credit: Rachel Kail-Buckley for “Aevum”



Many of the high schools and colleges in Tasmania offer TASC subjects or VET courses in the creative arts. Some of these are listed here, but there are many others. We are working on our relationships with these institutions to provide up to date information to you regarding their offerings.


There are a huge number of universities and university colleges that offer courses in the creative arts. As with the above section, some of these are listed here, but there are a lot that are not. We are fostering our connections with the organisations that offer these courses so that we can give you the best advice.

This section will be continually updated, so make sure to check back regularly.

If you work at an institution that offers these courses, and you are not listed here, please get in touch as we would love to add you.

Attachments & Traineeships
and Work Experience


Depending on the sector you wish to get experience in, will depend on who you approach for assistance in this area.

In the screen sector, your best bet would be Screen Tasmania. For film & television projects shooting in Tasmania, they will arrange attachments and traineeships, and you are able to apply for them through their website. They also offer the option of you finding your own attachment on a production happening elsewhere, and they will look at how they can support the production company to take you on as an attachment. We strongly suggest you reach out to Oli at Screen Tasmania and ask him any questions you may have. Another fabulous organisation to consider is Tas Game Makers.

For the theatre sector, your options are reaching out to the main theatres that host performances, or to the theatre companies that put on the performances. There are a lot of these, and we are working on building relationships with them to give you the best opportunities we can. We have listed a few here that we have had preliminary conversations with, but this is by no means an exhaustive list.

If your preferred sector is the sound and audio industry, it will depend on what area of that you are keen on learning more about. If you want to record sound on film & tv, or experience sound designing in a post production setting, then reach out to Screen Tasmania, as suggested above. If however, you’re more interested in recording sound for podcasts, audio books or audio dramas, then you would be better off connecting with a sound recording studio, such as Production Farm. And if music is more your bag, connecting with an organisation such as the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra could offer some opportunities for connection and experience. We are working to strengthen the relationships we have with these organisations, and are looking for ways in which we can collaborate to offer training opportunities. Again, as mentioned above, this is not an exhaustive list, and this section will be continually updated, so make sure to check back regularly.

If you work at an organisation in Tasmania that is keen to offer attachments, traineeships, or work experience in the creative arts, and you are not listed here, please get in touch as we would love to add you.



Networking is an extremely underrated tool when it comes to getting traction in the creative arts. There are a number of groups, of varying sizes, that gather, share newsletters and information, put on events and workshops, and provide opportunities to share your work with an audience.

Depending on the sector you are looking to get into, will depend on which groups you want to connect with. There are no limits, you can be a member of all of them! Some charge money to be a member, others do not. Some meet regularly, others less frequently. Many of these groups are run by one or two people, and all of them are incredibly passionate and hardworking creatives who are keen to connect with emerging practitioners, so reach out!

Short Courses & Workshops

Of course, Apple Box Studio is at the top of your list when you are looking for short courses and workshops, however, there are also various other organisations that offer these, and we are chatting with many of them to provide you with the best information around. Here are just a few.